Tuesday, 31 July 2012


Keeping on with the posts talking about each dog, second is Floyd.

Breed: Cocker Spaniel
Age: 4yrs.

Floyd, named after a particular guitarist whose name I can't recall (all i know is it had Floyd in it!!!).

Floyd is the only one of our 3 dogs who is KC registered, his pedigree ancestor tree hands on the wall in the living room, his KC name is 'Back Shot Jim'. He comes from a working background based up north, unfortunately I didn't know Floyd when he was a puppy, we met when he was 2, from what I know though..

He was bought as a present for my Step Dad for his Birthday whose dream dog was a working cocker, I bet he had a bit of a surprise when one popped up in his house one morning! Floyd was kenneled outside from an early age & remains an outdoor sleeping dog. I know some people think its 'cruel' to keep them outside, which all I can say is they have obviously never had working dogs! Floyd prefers to be out in his own kennel, its his space,  his sanctuary and its not too hot, all that fur makes a warm pooch. 

Floyd is the perfect 50% worker & 50% pet cocker spaniel, he will never be a working cocker which you could take to field championships, but he flushes beautifully, its just after that where his selective hearing seems to pop up! However its also perfectly happy being at home sleeping on the sofa, (hes let into the house throughout the day only kenneled at night).

As a typical cocker we have to keep on top of cleaning his ears & keeping our eyes peeled for those pesky grass seeds (he has had several grass seeds in his paws!). His main ailment though, as with many dogs is his anal glands, they have to be emptied at least every 1-3 months. We're v. reluctant to have them removed as there is an increased risk in him becoming incontinent & as the problem is solved by a finger up the bum at the vets in 2 minutes.. we think that is the better choice from him, at the moment.

There isn't much more to say about Floyd really... hes a typical cocker, nuts. 

He ADORES water, food, sleeping, barking out the window, travelling in the car, walks, more food & toys.

He HATES being groomed, having his fur cut, ears being cleaned, going to the vets, not being able to get it on with Ruby anymore.

Overall hes the happiest, stupidest, totally crazy and completely adorable cocker I know. 

I would highly recommend Cocker Spaniels to families who can provide ALOT of exercise, training & be aware of the health problems connected to them.

ps. OH & he has AWESOME hair!!!

Sunday, 29 July 2012

Second Chance Rescue Kennels - Fun Day Dog Show - PHOTOHEAVY

Me & my Mum went along to the Second chance rescue kennels fun dog show at the navigation inn, in Overseal.

I'll make this short as pictures show more than words. We entered Ruby in one class, we didn't place but we only ever go in for the laughs, although some people take fun shows deadly serious >.<

The day had a bit of a black cloud over it, due to finding out Max's arthritis may now be a cruciate ligament rupture, he's booked in for X-Rays :(

Anyway! Photos!

Hope you like them! ^^

Thursday, 26 July 2012


The first thing I thought I should write about was each dog in detail,  as he the top dog, oldest & most intelligent it seems that Max is who I should introduce first.

Here goes ..


Breed: Collie Cross (Most likely Collie x Springer).
Age - 7years

Max was adopted from Burton Upon Trent's RSPCA kennels when he was 9 months old. Being a rescue you have no, or very little idea of their past, Max has obviously been through rough times due to his tendency to show aggression through fear.

He shows his aggression through barking & lip curling, he will bark at most dogs which can prove very frustrating when you are can't relax on a walk incase of bumping into another dog & scaring the life out of it. When actually it is Max who is petrified & only knows to respond by putting on a false act. Since he has gotten older you can really see just how scared he is of.. everything! He is alot more sensitive to noises, how people act, etc than he was before. 

Putting that aside, you can't fault him on loyalty, he would protect you with his life. To the people he trusts, the close family, he is the sweetest dog you could know. He lives for affection, he isn't happy unless he is being fussed! He forgets just how big he is a lot of the time when he comes to sit on your lap, or squeeze into that small space on the sofa!

His only other love is his toys, apart from fuss, he lives for toys.. he isn't fussy what the toy looks like as long as he can fetch it. He loves to retrieve he will bring it to you & place it on your lap, he will try to encourage you to throw it with little nudges & air snaps whilst wagging his bum in the air!

He would of made an amazing agility/flyball dog back in the day.. why back in the day you say? Unfortunately in recent times, (some may of seen me posting about this on twitter, @rubythecavalier), that he has developed in the past year the dreaded arthritis. (I will be posting regular posts about his develop with his arthritis, I hope these will help others in the same situation).

All in all, Max is an amazing dog who has his flaws as we all do, but what he lacks in social skills he sure makes up for in his buzzing personality.